Event Recordings and Materials

For Chaplains

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Webinar recording: The Anglican Chaplains’ Toolkit
Presenter: The Reverend Dr Eleanor O’Donnell
Held on: 23 April 2024

For Religious Studies Educators 

ASA Connections Forum 2024

Click here to view the Connections Forum program

Welcome & Introductions

Approx 15 mins

Kathryn Paul, Director of Teaching and Learning, Anglican Schools Commission

The Reverend Dr Eleanor O’Donnell, Director of Anglican Identity, Anglican Schools Commission

Opening Address: The Reverend Peter Laurence OAM, CEO, Anglican Schools Australia

Debbie Dunwoody, ASA President and Principal, Camberwell Girls Grammar School

Archbishop’s Reflection: The Most Reverend Kay Goldsworthy AO, Archbishop of Perth and Metropolitan of the Province of Western Australia

Keynote Presentation

Approx 66 mins

Flourishing Together: Christianity as a Global World Faith

Alysia-Lara Ayonrinde, National Education Lead for Racial Justice, Church of England Education Office (UK)

Simon Atkinson, Joint Head of Curriculum and Inclusion, Church of England Education Office (UK)

Alysia-Lara’s PowerPoint Presentation

Simon’s PowerPoint Presentation

Presentation: Philosophical Inquiry

Approx 12 mins

Andrew Rogers, Senior School Teacher, Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, Guildford Grammar School

Further resources for students, educators and schools click here

Presentation: Life and Faith from the Student Perspective

Approx 23 mins

Maria Thompson, Head of Faculty, Cannon Hill Anglican College

Presentation: Prayer Spaces

Approx 22 mins

Phil Togwell, 24-7 Prayer International, Prayer Spaces in Schools, International Director

Presentation: Social Media and Faith

Approx 13 mins

Dom Fay, Head of Faith, Coomera Anglican College

Presentation: Using Cartoons and Visual Devices in Teaching

Approx 18 mins

Paul Joy, Chaplain, Yarra Valley Grammar